8 ways to lead workplace wellbeing

Mind’s top tips for managers to support the mental health of staff

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1 A manager’s behaviour is key to their team’s mental wellbeing and how they perform at work.

2 Supportive? Approachable? Responsive? Managers get the most from their staff if they have an open-door policy for work-related conversations.

3 Encourage managers to ask their staff what they need from them as a leader.

4 Trust is essential: employees should feel able to offer feedback.

5 Make wellbeing a topic that is naturally part of regular meetings and team catchups.

6 A work-life balance should always be encouraged.

7 Encourage positive relationships between co-workers: managers should offer mediation if necessary.

8 People do better if they feel valued: make sure teams are given meaningful tasks, that they understand how what they are doing fits into a bigger picture. And offering opportunity for personal development is wonderful encouragement.

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